little-league-supportThis is the ninth review of the sport parent code of conduct that many parents have signed in order for their child to participate in little league baseball.  At Chad Moeller Baseball – we are looking at this document in a deeper reflection with the hope that we can help explain the importance of this conduct code.

The code of conduct includes 17 elements that parents must agree to before signing the document.  Number 14 on the list states:

“14. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.”

Every athlete can vividly picture a point in their playing career when a coach, fan, spectator, scout played an essential role in their career.  Hopefully these memories include many more positive than negative images.  But as many players will tell you – the negative ones last a lot longer and still stir within each one of us.

A simple sign given to a player in a crucial situation that makes an individual question their own ability can have lasting effects.  For younger players – this often includes the take sign.

Opportunities for success taken away before the individual has the chance for success. Throughout baseball this occurs when a player is taken out in a pinch hitting situation.

These two tactical choices might be smart baseball moves with the intention of winning a particular game, but sometimes, I repeat sometimes, we have to let them play.  We have to let them find success on the field before they walk away from the field bitter because of opportunities never given.

Baseball is a game of failure and every coach will continually explain this to their players.  Ballplayers will have to get used to disappointment if they want to play this game for a long time.  Baseball will teach these important traits through experience.

But too often in youth leagues, the POSSIBILITY of success is taken away before the individual has the chance to succeed or fail in a certain situation.

Until Next Time,
